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A Cool Time for Lawn Care

As hot summer days slowly yield to cooler temperatures, care for your lawn begins to shift from maintenance to preventative. While mowing is still a task in the month of September, soon your lawnmower will have more downtime and you can start planning for a gorgeous spring and summer lawn.

How do I get the best-looking lawn on the block?

A lawn care expert can make planning recommendations, such as weed prevention and overseeding. He can identify any conditions that would lead to lawn deterioration, including poor soil, improper drainage and poor air circulation. As we continue into the cooler months, now is a great time to get some recommendations and a quote so you don’t miss an ideal time to take action.

When is the best time to start?

Quite simply, now is the best time to start. If you want a good lawn care consultation, a competitive quote, and still have time to implement the plan, now is a great time to start. When it comes to seeding, spraying, and landscape installation, timing is key so it’s important to begin the process of coming up with a plan and getting a quote before you think you actually need it. Then you can be sure to have it implemented when the time is just right in terms of temperature, moisture, and sun.

Do I need to have a lawn care expert do it?

To stop winter weeds by spraying your lawn, mid-October to mid-November is nice timing. Fall usually provides more moderate temperatures and more moisture, so spraying for weeds in the next few months will be an ideal time. Be sure to work with an experienced lawn care professional because what kind of application is applied matters, as does the time of day, temperatures, and moisture. Every lawn is different and your plan should be customized for your lawn.

Should I be seeding my lawn even if I’ve done it before? Another planning element for a great lawn is seeding, even if you’ve already done it before. Many people think seeding is a one-time occurrence, but to achieve a healthy, thick, green lawn, seeding again is a must because your lawn evolves over time. If your lawn looks worn out, or is disease or insect prone, you should consider overseeding. It fills in bare spots, improves the density of your overall lawn and enhances your lawn’s color. Overseeding newer grass varieties into an older lawn helps it better withstand insects, disease, drought, shady conditions and heavy traffic. It also reduces the amount of fertilizer, water and pesticides you will need.

A lawn care expert can advise the right type of seed for your lawn. For example, if you have Bermuda, you’re familiar with it going dormant and turning brown in the winter months. Overseeding with perennial ryegrass is optimal because the ryegrass grows and stays green during the cooler months. When your Bermuda starts turning green again during hot weather, the ryegrass dies out.

How do I make it happen?

Contact your lawn care expert as soon as possible to get a free consultation, get a quote, or schedule your seeding and spraying. Because of the limited window for seeding and spraying, most lawn care companies are already filling up and scheduling their treatments at the end of summer. At Southern Touch Lawn and Landscapes we offer free no obligation quotes and have a variety of seeding and spraying packages to meet your needs. Our turf management expert, Chase Sneed, has a degree in Horticulture and over a decade of experience in fertilization and weed control applications to keep your yard looking healthy year round.

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